Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary begins 185th academic year
New students welcomed across all programs

Updated with final enrollment numbers Sept. 8, 2023.
The 185th academic year for Concordia Seminary, St. Louis began Friday, Aug. 25, with the Opening Service in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus.
The Seminary has an enrollment of 130 new students across its Ministerial Formation and Advanced Studies programs. The Opening Service capped one week of orientation for new students; fall semester classes begin Monday..
During the Opening Service, Seminary President Dr. Thomas J. Egger preached on the 2023-24 academic theme, “We Belong to Christ,” based on 1 Cor. 6:19-20 and Rom. 14:8-9.
“We belong to Christ. We don’t belong to ourselves. You are not your own,” said Egger in his sermon. “Brothers and sisters, we belong to He who laid the world’s foundations.”
During the service, new members of the Seminary’s faculty were installed, including Associate Professor of Practical Theology Dr. Stephen Pietsch, Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology Dr. Adam Hensley and Assistant Professor of Exegetical Theology Rev. Joel Fritsche, who also serves as director of Vicarage and Deaconess Internships. In addition, two current professors were installed into new positions: Professor of Historical Theology Dr. Gerhard Bode as director of the Center for Reformation Research, and Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology Dr. Kevin Golden as dean of Theological Research and Publication.
One new staff member also was installed: Rev. Paul Flo as the assistant to the director of the Center for Hispanic Studies. In all, three new faculty and 13 new staff were recognized, and five faculty and staff were recognized for new positions.
Also during the service, 38 distance students who received their vicarage and internship assignments were recognized.
The following Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) students were assigned as vicars:
- William Curley, The Lutheran Church of Our Savior, Bryans Road, Md., LCMS Southeastern District
- Troy Curtis, Risen Savior Lutheran Church, Palm Bay, Fla., LCMS Florida-Georgia District
- Chase Drake, Epiphany Lutheran Church, Pearland, Texas, LCMS Texas District
- Mark Elgert, King of Glory Lutheran Church, Williamsburg, Va., LCMS Southeastern District
- Ryan Fink, Crean Lutheran School, Irvine, Calif., LCMS Pacific Southwest District
- Rory Fry, Gathering Lutheran Church, Robinson, Texas, LCMS Texas District
- Bruce Gatz, St. John Lutheran Church, Winsted, Minn., LCMS Minnesota South District
- Timothy Good, Trinity Lutheran Church, Springfield, Ill., LCMS Central Illinois District
- Arnold (Dean) Graumann, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Granite, Okla., LCMS Oklahoma District
- Mark Groth, Lakes Area Christian Fellowship, Nekoosa, Wis., LCMS North Wisconsin District
- Andrew Gunzelman, Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Leawood, Kan., LCMS Kansas District
- Shane Jung, Trinity Lutheran Church, Mansfield, S.D., LCMS South Dakota District
- David Kaiser, St. James Lutheran Church, Shawano, Wis., LCMS North Wisconsin District
- Jason Obermiller, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Loup City/Merna, Neb., LCMS Nebraska District
- Christopher Odenbrett, St. John Lutheran Church, Winsted, Minn., LCMS Minnesota South District
- Bradley Person, Faith Lutheran Church and Preschool, Adel, Iowa, LCMS Iowa District West
- Joseph Pierson, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Logan, Utah, LCMS Rocky Mountain District
- Timothy Richter, Zion Lutheran Church, Fort Myers, Fla., LCMS Florida-Georgia District
- Nathan Sieveking, Hosanna Lutheran Church, Mankato, Minn., LCMS Minnesota South District
- Timothy Thompson, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Wilson, N.C., LCMS Southeastern District
- Anthony Tin, Canaan Lutheran Church, San Francisco, Calif., LCMS California-Nevada-Hawaii District
- William Zacharias, Our Savior Lutheran Church, McKinney, Texas, LCMS Texas District
The following Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT) students were assigned as vicars:
- Mkuninwa Salumu John, St. Luke Lutheran Church, Haslett, Mich., LCMS Michigan District
- Mmunda-Bantu Shikoa, St. Luke Lutheran Church, Haslett, Mich., LCMS Michigan District
- John Szupica, Emmanuel Lutheran Church of the Deaf, West Allis, Wis., LCMS South Wisconsin District
- Nan Tian, Light of Christ/Immanuel Lutheran Church, Olivette, Mo., LCMS Missouri District
The following Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT) student was assigned as a deaconess intern:
- Meskerem Negera, LINC Twin Cities, Saint Paul, Minn., LCMS Minnesota South District
The following Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS) students were assigned as vicars:
- Jaime Durkin Vázquez, Tree of Life Lutheran Church, Garland, Texas, LCMS Texas District
- José Ojeda, St. Paul Lutheran Church, San Antonio, Texas, LCMS Texas District
The following Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS) student was assigned as a deaconess intern:
- Sonia Vela Azua, Tree of Life Lutheran Church, Garland, Texas, LCMS Texas District
The following Cross-cultural Ministry Center (CMC) students were assigned as vicars:
- Michael Orem, Our Savior’s Community Lutheran Church, Palm Springs, Calif., LCMS Pacific Southwest
- District Zachary Stringham, Trinity Lutheran Church, Exeter, Calif., LCMS California-Nevada-Hawaii District
- Gustavo Rubén Valderrama Garcés, Victory Lutheran Church, Chula Vista, Calif., LCMS Pacific Southwest District
The following Online Deaconess Studies (ODS) Program students were assigned as deaconess interns:
- Naomi Brown, Trinity Lutheran Church, Hillsboro, Ore., LCMS Northwest District
- Janis Buelow, Trinity Lutheran Church, Utica, Mich., LCMS Michigan District
- Lisa Miller, Emanuel Lutheran Church, Milbank, S.D., LCMS South Dakota District
- Katlynn Schnitker, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Seymour, Ind., LCMS Indiana District
- Natalie Smith, assignment pending, New Song Community Church, Aurora, Ill., LCMS Northern Illinois District
The Seminary recognizes and celebrates calls throughout the year for students enrolled in programs such as SMP, EIIT, CHS, ODS and CMC; however, most students receive their first calls to ministry at the annual Call Day celebration. Call Day is set for April 23, 2024.
After the installations and blessing of new students, Egger officially opened the 185th academic year.
“We belong to Christ, along with a little girl who was dead but who lived again and was called to be His own,” Egger said. “For whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.”
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.