First Sunday after Christmas
First Sunday after Christmas> FIRST READING Ex. 13:1–3a, 11–15 PSALM Ps. 111 EPISTLE Col. 3:12–17 GOSPEL Luke 2:22–40 Color
First Sunday after Christmas> FIRST READING Ex. 13:1–3a, 11–15 PSALM Ps. 111 EPISTLE Col. 3:12–17 GOSPEL Luke 2:22–40 Color
Eve of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus FIRST READING Is. 30:(8–14) 15–17 PSALM Ps. 90:1–12 EPISTLE Rom. 8:31b–39 GOSPEL Luke 12:35–40 Color
The Circumcision and Name of Jesus FIRST READING Num. 6:22–27 PSALM Ps. 8 EPISTLE Gal. 3:23–29 GOSPEL Luke 2:21 Color
Second Sunday after Christmas FIRST READING 1 Kings 3:4–15 PSALM Ps. 119:97–104 EPISTLE Eph. 1:3–14 GOSPEL Luke 2:40–52 Color
The Baptism of Our Lord FIRST READING Is. 43:1–7 PSALM Ps. 29 EPISTLE Rom. 6:1–11 GOSPEL Luke 3:15–22 Color
We invite you to join Rev. Jesse Kueker, interim director of recruitment and admissions officer, for a free meal and presentation on the doctrine of vocation and an update on enrollment at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Who should attend? Those exploring or interested in pursuing pastoral ministry. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) clergy and laity […]
Second Sunday after Epiphany FIRST READING Is. 62:1–5 PSALM Ps. 128 EPISTLE 1 Cor. 12:1–11 GOSPEL John 2:1–11 Color
Third Sunday after Epiphany FIRST READING Neh. 8:1–3, 5–6, 8–10 PSALM Ps. 19:(1–6) 7–14 EPISTLE 1 Cor. 12:12–31a GOSPEL Luke 4:16–30 Color