Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
3 events,
The Circumcision and Name of Jesus
The Circumcision and Name of Jesus
The Circumcision and Name of Jesus FIRST READING Num. 6:22–27 PSALM Psalm 8 EPISTLE Gal. 3:23–29 GOSPEL Luke 2:21 Color
New Year’s Day
3 events,
Fall Semester grade deadline
Winterim Term classes begin
1 event,
1 event,
1 event,
2 events,
The Epiphany of Our Lord
The Epiphany of Our Lord
The Epiphany of Our Lord FIRST READING Is. 60:1–6 PSALM Psalm 72:1–11 (12–15) EPISTLE Eph. 3:1–12 GOSPEL Matt. 2:1–12 Color
1 event,
1 event,
First Sunday after the Epiphany (The Baptism of Our Lord)
First Sunday after the Epiphany (The Baptism of Our Lord)
First Sunday after the Epiphany (The Baptism of Our Lord) FIRST READING Is. 42:1-9 PSALM Psalm 29 EPISTLE Rom. 6:1-11 GOSPEL Matt. 3:13-17 Color
2 events,
Reduced Residency S.T.M. & Ph.D courses begin
SMP & GPC intensive courses
2 events,
1 event,
1 event,
1 event,
0 events,
1 event,
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
FIRST READING Is. 49:1-7 PSALM Psalm 40:1-11 EPISTLE 1 Cor. 1:1-9 GOSPEL John 1:29-42a Color
2 events,
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
D.Min. on-campus seminar begins
1 event,
Making Sense of Ministry in a Digital World
Making Sense of Ministry in a Digital World
With an ever-increasing number of churches utilizing digital ministry, it’s important for pastors and ministry leaders to think through the benefits and limitations of online ministry. This topic is explored in a new online continuing education course, “Making Sense of Ministry in a Digital World,” offered in partnership by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and Concordia […]
0 events,
0 events,
4 events,
Winterim Term ends after classes
D.Min. on-campus seminar ends
Reduced Residency S.T.M. & Ph.D courses end
Pre-Lenten Workshop
Pre-Lenten Workshop
Honest Repentance Dr. David Maxwell The texts traditionally read at the Easter Vigil prepare the hearers for Easter by emphasizing Baptism and repentance in the broad sweep of the scriptural narrative. Dr. David Maxwell, the Louis A. Fincke and Anna B. Shine Professor of Systematic Theology, draws from these texts to explore what repentance is […]
2 events,
Library closed
2 events,
Library closed
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Third Sunday after the Epiphany FIRST READING Is. 9:1-4 PSALM Psalm 27:1-9 (10-14) EPISTLE 1 Cor. 1:10-18 GOSPEL Matt. 4:12-25 Color
2 events,
2 events,
Making Sense of Ministry in a Digital World
Making Sense of Ministry in a Digital World
With an ever-increasing number of churches utilizing digital ministry, it’s important for pastors and ministry leaders to think through the benefits and limitations of online ministry. This topic is explored in a new online continuing education course, “Making Sense of Ministry in a Digital World,” offered in partnership by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and Concordia […]
1 event,
2 events,
Faith and Film Festival
Faith and Film Festival
Concordia Seminary’s 2023 Faith and Film Festival will be held on campus Jan. 26-28. The festival serves as an opportunity for participants to explore Christian themes in movies and develop eyes to see film in new ways. Participants will watch films together and engage in challenging discussions with theologians, pastors and film critics about the […]
3 events,
2 events,
Library closed
3 events,
Library closed
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany FIRST READING Micah 6:1-8 PSALM Psalm 15 EPISTLE 1 Cor. 18:31 GOSPEL Matt. 5:1-12 Color
2 events,
Spring Semester of 2022-23 academic year classes begin (excluding SMP and ODS Programs)
1 event,
Making Sense of Ministry in a Digital World
Making Sense of Ministry in a Digital World
With an ever-increasing number of churches utilizing digital ministry, it’s important for pastors and ministry leaders to think through the benefits and limitations of online ministry. This topic is explored in a new online continuing education course, “Making Sense of Ministry in a Digital World,” offered in partnership by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and Concordia […]
0 events,
0 events,
2 events,
Preachers Basketball Tournament
Preachers Basketball Tournament
Friday 8:00 p.m. Concordia Seminary vs. Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne Saturday 10:00 a.m. Concordia Seminary vs. Kenrick Seminary Saturday 2:00 p.m. Concordia Seminary vs. Covenant
1 event,
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.

- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.