Calendar of Events
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2 events,
The Resurrection of Our Lord
The Resurrection of Our Lord
The Resurrection of Our Lord (Easter Sunrise) FIRST READING Ex. 15:1–11 PSALM Ps. 118:15–29 EPISTLE 1 Cor. 5:6b–8 GOSPEL John 20:1–18 The Resurrection of Our Lord (Easter Day) FIRST READING Is. 25:6–9 PSALM Ps. 16 EPISTLE 1 Cor. 15:1–11 GOSPEL Mark 16:1–8 Color
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The Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church of North Minneapolis Scholarship application deadline
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Classes resume (excluding SMP and ODS Programs)
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Second Sunday of Easter
Second Sunday of Easter
Second Sunday of Easter FIRST READING Acts 4:32–35 PSALM Ps. 148 EPISTLE 1 John 1:1—2:2 GOSPEL John 20:19–31 Color
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Classes resume for SMP Program
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Classes resume for ODS Program
Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry
Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry
Six-week online course begins Tuesday, April 9, 2024 Understanding the significance and implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly crucial for today’s pastors. A new six-week online continuing education course, “Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry,” aims to provide a comprehensive overview, highlighting key facets of AI and its potential implications in ministry. The course […]
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Vocatio: Retreat
Vocatio: Retreat
Vocatio: Retreat is a three-day opportunity for college students and second-career men and women (and their families) to rest in God’s Word, spend time in prayer and learn about the path to full-time service as a pastor, deaconess, missionary or chaplain.
Third Sunday of Easter
Third Sunday of Easter
Third Sunday of Easter FIRST READING Acts 3:11–21 PSALM Ps. 4 EPISTLE 1 John 3:1–7 GOSPEL Luke 24:36–49 Color
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Prison Ministry Coordinators Conference
Prison Ministry Coordinators Conference
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Southern Illinois District Prison Ministry Task Force will have its annual conference Monday, April 15, through Tuesday, April 16, at Concordia Seminary in Koburg Hall. The conference called the “2024 Prison Ministry Coordinators Conference” will include expert guest speakers, working sessions, resource sharing, Q&A time and more! This is a […]
3 events,
Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry
Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry
Six-week online course begins Tuesday, April 9, 2024 Understanding the significance and implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly crucial for today’s pastors. A new six-week online continuing education course, “Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry,” aims to provide a comprehensive overview, highlighting key facets of AI and its potential implications in ministry. The course […]
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Fourth Sunday of Easter
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Fourth Sunday of Easter FIRST READING Acts 4:1–12 PSALM Ps. 23 EPISTLE 1 John 3:16–24 GOSPEL John 10:11–18 Color
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Call Day
Call Day
Assignment of Vicarages 3 p.m. (CDT) Assignment of Calls 7 p.m. (CDT) Call Day, an annual event, is the day when concluding students receive their first pastoral or diaconal ministry placements, and second-year students receive their vicarage or deaconess internship assignments. All calls and assignments for service are to churches or ministries within The Lutheran […]
Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry
Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry
Six-week online course begins Tuesday, April 9, 2024 Understanding the significance and implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly crucial for today’s pastors. A new six-week online continuing education course, “Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry,” aims to provide a comprehensive overview, highlighting key facets of AI and its potential implications in ministry. The course […]
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St. Mark, Evangelist
Prof Insights: Faculty-Led Workshop – Professor Voelz in Sandy, UT
Prof Insights: Faculty-Led Workshop – Professor Voelz in Sandy, UT
Principles of Biblical Interpretation for Everyone This workshop will center around the presenter's book, Principles of Biblical Interpretation for Everyone (Concordia Seminary Press, 2023). The book takes readers into the text of the Bible and helps them to understand the important factors that go into interpreting it. Participants are required to purchase the book ahead […]
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Fifth Sunday of Easter
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Fifth Sunday of Easter FIRST READING Acts 8:26–40 PSALM Ps. 150 EPISTLE 1 John 4:1–11 (12–21) GOSPEL John 15:1–8 Color
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4 events,
Multiethnic Symposium
Multiethnic Symposium
We Believe in One Holy Catholic Church Reclaiming our Catholicity Through the Multiethnic Church The word catholic, the term used in the earliest versions of the Nicene Creed, makes manifest that the true church we confess is a church that embraces God’s people in all their cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity. Come experience just a […]
Deadline for Old Testament, New Testament, Christian Doctrine ELCEs for Fall 2024 matriculation
Deadline for SMP Entry Level Competency Exams for Fall 2024 matriculation
Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry
Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry
Six-week online course begins Tuesday, April 9, 2024 Understanding the significance and implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly crucial for today’s pastors. A new six-week online continuing education course, “Artificial Intelligence and Real Ministry,” aims to provide a comprehensive overview, highlighting key facets of AI and its potential implications in ministry. The course […]
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2024 Multi Asian Gathering
2024 Multi Asian Gathering
2024 Multi Asian Gathering May 1-2, 2024 The Multi Asian Gathering is a mission movement of Asian leaders (clergy and laity) to celebrate our unity and uniqueness in mission and ministry in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). The purpose of the Multi Asian Gathering is to bring together Asian leaders from diverse Asian backgrounds, ethnicities […]
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National Day of Prayer
Seminary Guild luncheon
Seminary Guild luncheon
The Concordia Seminary Guild is an organization of individuals, women’s organizations and congregations dedicated to providing support to the Concordia Seminary community, its students and their families, and staff. Friday, May 3, 2024 Program: Home Schooling Update Lisa Mudge What’s Happening at the Seminary Dr. Thomas J. Egger, President, Concordia Seminary 11:30 a.m. Registration Noon […]
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Prof ‘n Stein
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
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