Dear alumni
It’s a controversial topic, but I’m just going to say it. Lenten hymns are wonderful. Not everyone agrees, I know. When I mention how much I love Lent and its […]
Continue reading.It’s a controversial topic, but I’m just going to say it. Lenten hymns are wonderful. Not everyone agrees, I know. When I mention how much I love Lent and its […]
Continue reading.“From all nations.” It is a joy to have students from various ethnic backgrounds, from “all nations,” at our Seminary. I like to joke that I am the Seminary’s first […]
Continue reading.We need more pastors! How are we going to find more pastors? Remarks like these arise in many conversations these days in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Student recruitment is […]
Continue reading.The Lord provides workers for His harvest! During Advent and Christmas, we rejoice in the greatest Gift — the gift of a Savior, God’s own Son, Jesus. We rejoice also […]
Continue reading.It’s game on as Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Preachers basketball players take on alumni at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9, 2024, during the annual “Hoops for Hope” alumni basketball game. […]
Continue reading.Let’s run together. I bet you feel like you are always running, running, running. The Scriptures often speak of our life and work as Christians as a long race. We […]
Continue reading.Greetings in the name of Jesus, the most gracious Host who extends to us the most hearty welcome! Since the earliest times, Christians have been known for their hospitality, as […]
Continue reading.Warm greetings to you from the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, as we begin our 185th academic year! Each year we choose a theme to set the tone for […]
Continue reading.New and improved married and single student housing. New and improved athletic facilities. Interior renovation and reclaimed use of three large wings of the campus’ historic core. Reconfigured campus streets […]
Continue reading.The annual Alumni Reunion for graduates of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis will be held Oct. 12-13 on campus. This year’s reunion extends a special welcome to members of the jubilarian class of […]
Continue reading.A centurion. A leper. A paralytic. A demon-possessed man. A widow with a dead son. Bartimaeus. Zacchaeus. Mary. Nicodemus. Jesus spoke to crowds but also gave His attention, time and […]
Continue reading.Did you have a favorite professor at the Seminary? I loved my teachers. When I look back on my student days at Concordia Seminary in the 1990s, I am grateful […]
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