Dear alumni
Dear alumni, Stop being afraid. There is a lot of fear in the world and a lot of fear in the church. There is fear in the heart of every […]
Continue reading.Dear alumni, Stop being afraid. There is a lot of fear in the world and a lot of fear in the church. There is fear in the heart of every […]
Continue reading.The Lord’s flock needs good shepherds, with hearts shaped by Christ and with wisdom flowing from God’s Word! The chief calling and mission of Concordia Seminary is to serve church […]
Continue reading.Greetings in the name of Jesus, whose gracious presence among us is the highest gift of God to sinners! One of best things about serving at Concordia Seminary is the […]
Continue reading.Happy January, as you settle back into your normal routine after what has been, I pray, a meaningful celebration of our Savior’s birth and a time of refreshment and reconnection […]
Continue reading.December – ’tis the season! From beginning to end, whether we intend it or not, this month is all about Christmas. Yes, our society has commercialized and secularized the Christmas […]
Continue reading.November. The flowers have faded and withered. The leaves are crumpled and falling. It is the season of harvest and thanksgiving, but also the season of nature’s death and dormancy. […]
Continue reading.When I ask alumni what the most formative or memorable thing was from their time at Seminary, probably 90% of the answers focus on occasions of connection with others: corporate […]
Continue reading.Greetings in Christ Jesus! The summer months this year brought me the opportunity to travel to Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, meeting with church and seminary leaders in each place and […]
Continue reading.Greetings in Jesus Christ, whose compassion for us sinners calls forth our devoted service and eternal thanksgiving! What does it mean when we say that Concordia Seminary is all about […]
Continue reading.“Thy strong word did cleave the darkness; At Thy speaking it was done!” The brass instruments played and the people sang. A crowd was gathered in the Main Quadrangle for […]
Continue reading.Greetings in Jesus Christ! Jesus died, and Jesus rose! And then, for the next 40 days… Jesus’ cross and Jesus’ empty tomb are the center of our faith, but the […]
Continue reading.Greetings in Christ, who will one day end all wars and settle all disputes! On Call Day, Tuesday, April 26, our concluding students will receive their first calls. They will […]
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