Meeting the Crisis of Scripture as “People of the Word”: How to Avoid Liberal Criticism and Biblical Fundamentalism
Conservative Lutherans have never felt at home in the modern “Battle for the Bible.” We reject liberal critics, for they have abandoned the foundational Christian belief that the Scriptures are the written Word of God. But we don’t feel at home with “Bible-believing” fundamentalists either, because they have neglected the Gospel of Christ crucified and the centrality of the forgiveness of sins. What shall we do? How shall we think and speak about the Scriptures in an increasingly skeptical post-modern world? Rather than defining ourselves by what we are NOT, this workshop approaches the theology of Scripture by taking a close look at the theology of the Word of God. This theology of the Word begins with the eternal Word made flesh; it continues through the proclaimed Word of Law and Gospel; and it is normed and guided by the written Word of the prophets and apostles. With a firm grounding in the theology of the Word of God, we will consider WHY we believe these particular writings are the Word of God and HOW they function in our life together. This will help us address pressing questions about the canon, authority and interpretation of the Scriptures, as well as our use of the Scriptures in preaching and teaching.
Dr. Peter Nafzger
Associate Professor of Practical Theology and Director of Student Life at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Dr. Peter Nafzger is a gifted theologian and speaker who manifests what is best about the The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). He joined the faculty at Concordia Seminary in 2016 after serving as a pastor for nine years in Minnesota. While in Minnesota, he served as a leader (and continues to do so) in the planning of the LCMS Youth Gatherings. His dissertation (and hence his expertise) centers on a Lutheran approach and use of Scripture over and against the fundamentalist approaches that often dominate American Christianity.

Tuesday, June 20 | 1-4 p.m. |
Wednesday, June 21 | 9-11:30 a.m. |
1-4 p.m. | |
Thursday, June 22 | 9 a.m.-noon |
Registration deadline: June 6, 2023
Location contact: Adam Steinbrenner
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Note: The schedule is subject to change at the discretion of the workshop presenters.